Huehuecuicatl / New Fire Runners (Live Session)
Huehuecuicatl , is a word from the nahuatl language, it means “ancient singing” or “singing of the ancient ones”.

New Fire Runners – Live Session Every 52 years of the solar calendar the ancient Mexicans considered that the celestial machinery could stop and the Sun could no longer rise, exterminating life on earth, so the last night was of great expectation. The people and their priests looked towards the east wishing to perceive the new dawn and when it showed its coming, the corridors came out with luminous torches of the Sacred Fire, carrying the good news in all directions on Earth.
At that moment the theme is inspired. – Ernesto Cano (Composer) Every 52 years of the solar calendar, the Mexicans of the ancient past considered that the celestial machinery could stop at any moment and the Sun would no longer rise, with this all life on earth would be exterminated, because of this the last night of this cycle was highly anticipated. The entire village and the priests would look to the East, waiting patiently to see the sunlight from dawn appear, and at the moment it was visible, the runners would lead luminous torches of sacred fire, carrying the good news to all the corners of the Earth.
The inspiration for this tune comes from this instant .– Ernesto Cano (Composer) Huehuecuicatl: Ernesto Cano (Director) Said Ramos Paul Campos Saúl Padilla Audio – Jesús Alonso Assistance in music production – Nirl Cano Visual Production and first camera – Castillo Carlos Segunda camera – Margarita Barbosa Recorded in Huehue Estudio Guadalajara, Jalisco. January 2020 Follow and at the moment it was visible, the runners would lead luminous torches of sacred fire, carrying the good news to all the corners of the Earth.