Can’t Find My Way Home – Rachael Price (cover)
Rachel Price has come a long way from her hometown of O’Neill, Nebraska to pursue her dream, moving to Nashville four years ago and working hard to hone her craft.
Now, the talented Price continues this journey in 2018, finishing a month and a half stint opening for The Wind and The Wave #HUMAN BEINGS TOUR 2018 (along with Haley Johnsen and Jesse Ruben) and releasing a new EP “Something New.”
2017 was quite a year for Price. She released her debut EP HOME, toured and launched a campaign to help Victims of Hurricane Harvey, sold HOME T-Shirts (Home, being the name of her recently released EP) and donated proceeds to REBUILDTX.ORG to benefit victims in cities along the Gulf Coast. She also performed on her own unique U.S. tour, visiting and donating partial proceeds from her shows to Animal Shelters in all tour markets and has spent time in the studio recording a new EP for a Spring release.
Price acquired her first guitar when she was 11, and started recording pop, rock and R&B covers, posting them online. When she headed off to college, her plan was to become a veterinarian. She kept posting songs though, and her music caught the attention of two producers in Los Angeles.

“We wrote songs over Skype, and then I went to L.A. and we recorded four of them in the studio,” says Price. “It was an amazing experience.”