Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music

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In the Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Garden of Earthly Delights” painting (1480-1490 circa) there is some music written on the butt of one of the characters in hell.
But how sounds this 15th Century melody?

Music printed on the butt of one of the tortured souls in the 15th Century Hieronymus Bosch painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights” , Played on (What else?) Lute, Harp, and Hurdy-Gurdy by James Spalink. The melody is based on the transcription by Amelia Hamrick. The intro and outro employ the “Devil’s Interval”, and the last couple of measures are conjecture on my part. You could say that I just “pulled them out of my”-well, you know…..Enchanting!

Arranged in the style of the period (the music score on the butt is just a short riff intended to be repeated) and played on Lute, Harp, and Hurdy-Gurdy by James Spalink.
The melody is based on the transcription by Amelia Hamrick.

A close-up of the musical score in Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Garden of Earthly Delights” painting (1480-1490 circa). As you can see there is some music written on the butt of one of the characters in hell. But how sounds this 15th Century melody?