Sound Of Silence – TheMightyOne

There’s a revolution going on…..a change within the way we see our relationship with the world as know it.

The “Occupy” movement and the “Arab Spring” are reflections of a larger paradigm “SHiFT” in thinking spreading like a wildfire across the globe. Many would prefer to ignore and not speak of this reality, but on a deeper level we are all aware that a radical “SHiFT” is at hand. Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sounds of Silence” was a song of change during a dark time in American history. It’s message of the power of the unspoken is more powerful, poignant and timely than ever today.


Tim Steinruck of TheMightyOne
  THEMIGHTYONE – Sound Of Silence – Live at The Troubadour – by Gene Greenwood Production by Farting Puppy Productions 2012 Shot on location at THE TROUBADOUR Camera Operators Gene Greenwood – Canon 5d Mark 2 – 24-105mm f1.4 Handheld Floor Don York – Canon 5d Mark 2 – Tripod – Front of House 70-200mm f2.8 Brigitte MacKenzie – Canon 7d – 28-135mm f3.5 , Balcony Camera