Dead Man Whiskey | Duane Watson Band
Bustin’ out of the gates with their first album The Duane Watson Band electronicGIG is proud to present ”Dead Man’s Whiskey” to a worldwide audience.
Each song a reflection of Duane’s life and travels. The critique he imposes on his own life failures and tribulations is humbling. The pride and joy in other songs is uplifting.
There is a satisfying maturity in the writing that makes one ”set the needle back” a few grooves to hear that ”one line” again. Beautifully sparse production Gino Duchesne with very few takes, comes from the heart.
From the Alberta Badlands across windswept, big sky prairie into the snowy, silent peaks of the Canadian Rockies Mountains. From the goldfields of the Cassiar to the storms of the rugged Pacific Coastline, Duane’s lyrics cut a swath through your heart and mind that lingers for months….
Duane’s keen observations of his own lives wins and loses bring a personal honesty that is like oxygen in the polluted atmosphere of copycat wannabe’s.

Willy B. Sober brings a lead guitar that punches into the lyric bed with pain and pleasure.
Russell Engelland on the skins and Gino Duchesne on the stand up pound the bottom end to dust on these tunes straight out of the True North … very strong and very free!
Grab a hold of something solid!

Good morning folks, I’d just like to say thanks very much for all your support for my single DMW. The feedback I got was overwhelming. February 5th the rest of the songs will be released. Today my brother of the road @Willy.B.Sober we’re going to be doing a video shoot out at the farm. The Lawman’s Gun, it’s a true story about the last time I was arrested by the RCMP my last time in the cement hotel. I did some serious thinking that day maybe it’s time to turn my life around well I kinda did I got back into writing and playing music again. The opening line for The Lawmans Gun is I loaded the 12 gauge there’s someone sneaking around out by the barn on a early Sunday morning I used to like my Sunday mornings. Have a great Sunday with your families and friends. Ya Man ~ DW
Bustin’ out of the gates with their first album The Duane Watson Band is proud to present ”Dead Man’s Whiskey” to a worldwide audience.